What is Family and Consumer Science?
The Family and Consumer Sciences Department is an integral part of The University of Tennessee Extension. The department is a vital link connecting the resources of the university to citizens in all 95 counties across the state. Family and Consumer Sciences faculty work with Extension agents to address important issues facing Tennesseans as they cope with social, economic and technological changes. Many of these changes threaten the health, safety and well-being of individuals, families and communities. Today as never before the subject matter of Family and Consumer Sciences such as nutrition, parenting, childcare, family financial management, indoor air quality, sustainable housing, children’s environmental health, etc. have moved to the forefront of community and legislative agendas. The general public, as well as key leaders have recognized what we inside the field have long known; addressing these issues to develop strong families ultimately leads to strong communities. The long-term impact is an economic one.
RELAX – Anger Management Course
Do you have a court-order to take an anger management course? Are you have a hard time finding a class or is transportation an issue getting to class? Heather Kyle offers a 4 hour online course. For information on the next class, you can send an email to Jessica at jraichl@utk.edu or fill out the interest form at https://tiny.utk.edu/relax

Contact Information
Heather Kyle
Extension Agent III : Family & Consumer Sciences
Phone: 865-215-2340
Email: hkyle@utk.edu