Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP)
The Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) is an educational program conducted by the University of Tennessee Extension, Department of Family and Consumer Sciences. EFNEP is targeted to families and youth with limited income, particularly families with young children. Families and individuals who enroll in EFNEP receive a series of lessons, at no cost to them, on how to choose and prepare health foods. Education focuses on:
- Selecting and preparing nutritious foods
- Managing food resources wisely
- Handling foods safely
- Participating in regular physical activity
EFNEP has been conducted in Tennessee for over 40 years. Through the years, EFNEP has proven to be a program with significant impacts at a low cost to taxpayers. A cost-benefit analysis of EFNEP in Tennessee showed that for every dollar spent to implement the program, $2.48 is saved on food expenditures. This can reduce the need for emergency food assistance and save money for other necessities.
Tennessee Nutrition and Consumer Education Program (TNCEP)
The Tennessee Nutrition and Consumer Education Program (TNCEP) is a nutrition education program for Tennessee families who receive SNAP or who are eligible for SNAP. The goal of TNCEP is to teach families how to choose and prepare nutritionally adequate diets and help them feel empowered to move toward self-sufficiency. Education is delivered by county Extension faculty and partners in the community who work with the SNAP audience. The characteristic of TNCEP that makes it different from other nutrition education programs is that it is coalition-driven. A community coalition of individuals from various agencies determine what types of education are delivered. Funding for TNCEP is provided by the USDA and the Tennessee Department of Human Services.
Farmers’ Market Fresh
Farmers’ Market Fresh is a program featuring food demonstrations as well as research-based information provided by our TNCEP agent at your local farmers’ market. This program supports limited-resource families across Knox County by providing those with SNAP/EBT benefits access to fresh fruits and vegetables.
Contact Information
Family and Consumer Sciences
EFNEP Program Assistants
Kent Armstrong
Angie Beaty
Julie Bledsoe
Amy Dever
Susie Hix