Staff News & Awards

Knox County Extension Agents have been achieving some incredible accomplishments lately!

So far in 2024, two of our agents have received prestigious awards, and two agents have received promotions.

  • Congratulations to Heather Kyle, FCS Agent, for receiving the William D. Bishop Award for Outstanding Service.
  • Congratulations to Lee Rumble, ANR Agent, for receiving the Ann & Bill Hicks Outstanding New Extension Worker Award, the Cavender Outstanding Award for Best Publication, and for his promotion to Extension Agent II.
  • Congratulations to Sarah Harrison-Brown, 4-H Agent, for her promotion to Extension Agent II.

A complete list of award winners and promotions can be found here:

More information about Heather Kyle and the William D. Bishop Award can be found here:

Heather Kyle, Family and Consumer Sciences Agent, receives the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture’s William D. Bishop Award for Outstanding Service.
Lee Rumble, Agriculture and Natural Resources Agent, was promoted to Extension Agent II and received both the Ann & Bill Hicks Outstanding New Extension Worker Award and the Cavender Outstanding Award for Best Publication
Sarah Harrison-Brown, 4-H Agent, was promoted to Extension Agent II